eCom/DTC Brand Owners

We will create viral TikTok content that will add 5-6 figures to your monthly revenue in 90 days without spending a cent on paid ads!

Our Process

Understanding your brand & creating a perfect content strategy

Once you're on board, we'll take a close look at your existing social media content to really get to know your brand.We're also gonna do some digging and see what other similar brands are doing.Then, we'll come up with a perfect plan to make your brand go viral!

Scripting, filming and editing of the videos

In today's fast-paced world when average person’s attention span is 8.25 seconds, it's crucial for us to capture our audience's attention early into the video.Then once we’ve got their attention we have to follow up with an engaging story and tie it all together with a call-to-action.With a wide range of angles, powerful hooks, seamless transitions, and strong calls-to-action at our disposal your videos will be set to achieve just that!

Publishing the content and watching the revenue come in

Once all the groundwork is done, your brand's story takes the spotlight.Just as a conductor guides an orchestra, we strategically disperse your content, amplifying its reach across TikTok.As more people start to like your stuff and connect with it, something exciting happens: YOU MAKE MORE MONEY.

Who Can We Help?

We can help

✅ Businesses aiming to achieve rapid growth and gain a competitive edge in a saturated market.✅ Brands with tested and proven products, seeking to increase their revenue in a new marketing channel.✅ Ecommerce stores in various niches, ranging from 6 to 8 figures a year.

We can't help

❌ Dropshipping stores that are still in testing phase without proven products and satisfied customers.❌ Business owners that forgot that good plans take time and effort to work well!❌ Brands that do not prioritize business growth or view it as a secondary concern.